
My approach to mediation is a simple one. My role is to help people communicate, clearly and systematically, until they have found a way forward that works

Helping you to find a solution...

I help people to have difficult conversations. My role is to make sure that both, or all, voices are heard and understood and that we find a way forward that is fully thought out and agreed. I work hard to ensure that mediation is fair and systematic. I also help people find solutions.

Mediation is unfamiliar to many people. The process works like this:

Pre-mediation – I meet both parties individually (a party can be more than one person, for example two people from an organisation) to hear their perspectives and answer any questions about mediation. This discussion usually lasts about an hour.

Joint session – We meet together. I begin by asking both parties to say what needs to be dealt with and what they would like out of mediation. This helps to set the agenda for the rest of the session.

Explore the issues – We then discuss things in detail. It is important that each person hears what the other has to say and that disagreements are not swept under the carpet. We need to fully understand the sources of conflict before looking for solutions. I sometimes spend time with each party separately.

Consider options – As we talk, possibilities for the future will emerge. We call these ‘options’ and I help people to consider them in detail. If one option is not acceptable, we look for another, and so on, until we have genuine consensus.

Record agreement – If a way forward has been agreed, I put this in writing to make sure that all the details are clear and agreed. Where lawyers are present they will help with this.

It will be clear from this brief overview that mediation can be quite time-consuming.

Commercial and business disputes are generally dealt with in a single day. This allows us to find a practical solution and produce a clear, written outcome. Generally solicitors or other advisors are present
Workplace mediation typically lasts a morning or an afternoon. It is usual to have a review, 6-8 weeks later, to ensure that things are running smoothly.

In family mediation we generally meet 3 or 4 times, with each session lasting 1 to 2 hours. This allows financial information to be gathered and options to be tested between meetings
mediation can be tailored to other settings on a case-by-case basis

Mediation Resources

Click here for a selection of resources that may be useful for mediation clients, their lawyers and HR professionals

It includes an agreement to mediate and other useful documents

Fact Sheet on Mediation

If you are considering mediation have a look at this fact sheet on what you can expect from the process

Agreement to mediate

This chapter, written with my former PhD student Laurel Farrington, examines emotion in mediation and explains the important role of empathy in dealing with conflict.

Something else

I apply ideas from the field of social psychology to an example of workplace bullying, explaining why anti-bullying policies can make matters worse. In the right circumstances the kind of safe, face-to-face conversation offered by mediation may lead to better, more enduring outcomes for victims.
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